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Network Security - External endpoints protected by a WAF


The metric measures the proportion of external-facing endpoints shielded by a Web Application Firewall (WAF), highlighting an organization's ability to prevent unauthorized access, mitigate threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting, and safeguard critical systems from cyberattacks, making it a key indicator of external-facing application security.

Meta Data

Attribute Value
Metric id ns_waf
Category Network Security
SLO 90.00% - 95.00%
Weight 0.5
Type control


Framework Ref Domain Control
CIS 8.1 13.3 Network Monitoring and Defense Deploy a Network Intrusion Detection Solution
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.20 8 Technological controls Networks security
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.IR-01 Technology Infrastructure Resilience (PR.IR) PR.IR-01: Networks and environments are protected from unauthorized logical access and usage