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Network Security - DNS Domains Expiring Within the Next Month


The percentage of DNS domains that are set to expire within the next month, which could lead to service disruptions if not renewed in time.

How we measure it

Query all DNS domains and check their expiration date. Identify domains whose expiration date falls within the next 30 days.

Meta Data

Attribute Value
Metric id ns_domains_expiring
Category Network Security
SLO 99.00% - 100.00%
Weight 0.2
Type risk


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.20 8 Technological controls Networks security
CIS 8.1 9.3 Email and Web Browser Protections Maintain and Enforce Network-Based URL Filters
NIST CSF v2.0 ID.AM-04 Asset Management (ID.AM) ID.AM-04: Inventories of services provided by suppliers are maintained


  domain AS resource,
  'domain' as resource_type,
    WHEN expiration_date <= CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL 30 DAY THEN 0
    ELSE 1
  END as compliance,
    WHEN expiration_date <= CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL 30 DAY THEN 'Domain expiring within 30 days'
    ELSE 'Domain expiration is beyond 30 days'
  END as detail
  {{ ref('domains') }}